----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- . codebook ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- idnum Encrypted family ID ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: string (str4) unique values: 4,898 missing "": 0/4,898 examples: "0979" "1959" "2938" "3918" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1intmon Father interview month ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: mon_fw1 range: [-9,12] units: 1 unique values: 13 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 4 4 Apr 6 6 Jun 7 7 Jul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1intyr Father interview year ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: nolab_fw1, but 3 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,2000] units: 1 unique values: 4 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 524 1998 1,233 1999 2,073 2000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1lenhr What was the total length of interview - Hours ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 8 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,35] units: 1 unique values: 12 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 0 0 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1lenmin What was the total length of interview - Minutes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 58 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,59] units: 1 unique values: 62 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 30 37 45 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1twoc Constructed - Two cities flag ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,306 0 0 No 524 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1fint Constructed - Was father interviewed at baseline? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [0,1] units: 1 unique values: 2 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 0 0 No 3,830 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1natsm Constructed - Baseline national sample flag ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNOC_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,104 0 0 No 2,726 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1natwt Father baseline national weight ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (float) range: [2.0198479,8622.6621] units: 1.000e-07 unique values: 1,556 missing .: 2,172/4,898 mean: 415.007 std. dev: 911.889 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 13.0225 28.357 109.135 377.157 1048.84 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1natsmx Constructed - Baseline national sample flag (excluding one city) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNOC_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,361 0 0 No 2,469 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1natwtx Father baseline national weight (excluding one city) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (float) range: [2.0969214,9028.8467] units: 1.000e-07 unique values: 1,418 missing .: 2,429/4,898 mean: 458.205 std. dev: 964.916 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 17.119 36.1151 132.674 434.828 1165.98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1citsm Constructed - Baseline city sample flag ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNOC_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 88 0 0 No 3,742 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1citywt Father baseline city sample weight (20-cities population) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (float) range: [1.173649,3672.8406] units: 1.000e-07 unique values: 1,881 missing .: 1,156/4,898 mean: 92.7947 std. dev: 209.564 percentiles: 10% 25% 50% 75% 90% 9.46876 16.0302 35.7027 74.7105 193.777 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a2 Were you present at the birth? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 7 -2 -2 Don't know 2,987 1 1 Yes 828 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a3 Have you held baby(ies)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 9 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 3,503 1 1 Yes 317 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a4 Will the baby(ies) have your last name? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 4 -3 -3 Missing 91 -2 -2 Don't know 3,504 1 1 Yes 231 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a4a Did you want the baby(ies) to have your last name? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,504 -6 -6 Skip 14 -3 -3 Missing 49 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 181 1 1 Yes 81 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a5 Will your name be on the birth certificate? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 20 -3 -3 Missing 94 -2 -2 Don't know 3,617 1 1 Yes 99 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a5a Did you want your name on the birth certificate? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,617 -6 -6 Skip 27 -3 -3 Missing 25 -2 -2 Don't know 128 1 1 Yes 33 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a6 Do you have other biological children? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 15 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 2,207 1 1 Yes 1,604 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a6a How many other biological children? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 12 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,17] units: 1 unique values: 17 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 1 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1a7 Who (does/do) the (baby/babies) look like? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: looklike_fw1 range: [-9,104] units: 1 unique values: 13 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 1 1 Me 1 1 Me 2 2 Other Parent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1age Constructed - Father's age (years) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 39 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,53] units: 1 unique values: 40 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 22 26 32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b1a How many years did you know each other before (baby's mother) got pregnant? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 33 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,40] units: 1 unique values: 37 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 1 3 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b1b How many months did you know each other before (baby's mother) got pregnant? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 12 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,11] units: 1 unique values: 16 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 0 0 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b2 Is respondent married to baby's mother? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 1 1 Yes 2,754 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b3 What describes your current relationship with (baby's mother)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: romance_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 1 -1 -1 Refuse 2,203 1 1 Steady 283 2 2 on-off 195 3 3 Friend 51 4 4 Hardly 21 5 5 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4a Why did romantic rel end with bio mom - Financial Reasons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 2 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 13 1 1 Yes 238 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4b Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Distance (Don't live in same town) ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 3 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 10 1 1 Yes 240 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4c Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Incarceration ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 3 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 7 1 1 Yes 243 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4d Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Relationship Reasons ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 2 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 206 1 1 Yes 45 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4e Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Drug problem ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 2 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 12 1 1 Yes 239 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4f Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Violence, Abuse ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 3 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 4 1 1 Yes 246 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b4g Why did romantic rel end with bio mom, Other ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: relend_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 2 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 24 1 1 Yes 227 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b5a Last mo did you and bio mom, visited with friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 1 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 115 1 1 Yes 151 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b5b Last mo did you and bio mom, went out to a movie, sporting event, etc.? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 1 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 100 1 1 Yes 165 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b5c Last mo did you and bio mom, ate out in a restaurant? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 1 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 126 1 1 Yes 138 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b5d Last mo did you and bio mom, helped each other solve a problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 1 -3 -3 Missing 5 -2 -2 Don't know 141 1 1 Yes 121 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6a When last together, how often did you disagree about money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 43 1 1 Often 65 2 2 Sometimes 153 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6b When last together, how often did you disagree about spending time? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 68 1 1 Often 90 2 2 Sometimes 103 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6c When last together, how often did you disagree about sex? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 3 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 32 1 1 Often 47 2 2 Sometimes 183 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6d When last together, how often did you disagree about the pregnancy? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 58 1 1 Often 63 2 2 Sometimes 139 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6e When last together, how often did you disagree about drink/alcohol use? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 16 1 1 Often 43 2 2 Sometimes 202 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b6f When last together, how often did you disagree about being faithful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,562 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 57 1 1 Often 65 2 2 Sometimes 139 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b7a How often was bio mom fair and willing to compromise? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 4 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 103 1 1 Often 107 2 2 Sometimes 48 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b7b How often did bio mom hit or slap you when angry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 4 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 15 1 1 Often 35 2 2 Sometimes 210 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b7c How often did bio mom express affection/love for you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 5 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 127 1 1 Often 105 2 2 Sometimes 26 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b7d How often did bio mom insult/criticize you or ideas? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 4 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 42 1 1 Often 87 2 2 Sometimes 131 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b7e How often did bio mom encourage/help you do things? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,561 -6 -6 Skip 4 -5 -5 Not asked 4 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 111 1 1 Often 88 2 2 Sometimes 61 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b8 Are you and bio mom living together now? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,344 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 3 -3 -3 Missing 1,658 1 1 Yes 802 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9 Do you and bio mom have plans to live together or marry in the future? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,002 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 26 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 632 1 1 Yes 135 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a1 Reasons no plan to live together, No need to marry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 11 1 1 Yes 150 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a2 Reasons no plan to live together, Timing problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 14 1 1 Yes 144 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a3 Reasons no plan to live together, Financial Reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 16 1 1 Yes 145 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a4 Reasons no plan to live together, Distance? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3 1 1 Yes 155 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a5 Reasons no plan to live together, Incarceration? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 4 1 1 Yes 154 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a6 Reasons no plan to live together, Housing reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 5 1 1 Yes 156 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a7 Reasons no plan to live together, Relationship reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 94 1 1 Yes 67 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a8 Reasons no plan to live together, Drug problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3 1 1 Yes 158 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a9 Reasons no plan to live together, Violence, abuse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3 1 1 Yes 155 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a10 Reasons no plan to live together, Haven't talked about it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 26 1 1 Yes 132 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9a11 Reasons no plan to live together, Other specify? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: mflive2_fw1 range: [-9,101] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,634 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 16 1 1 Yes 144 2 2 No 1 101 101 F in oth. relationship/married ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b1 Reasons aren't living together, No need to marry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 10 1 1 Yes 608 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b2 Reasons aren't living together, Timing problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 128 1 1 Yes 490 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b3 Reasons aren't living together, Financial Reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,168 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 16 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 231 1 1 Yes 391 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b4 Reasons aren't living together, Distance? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 32 1 1 Yes 586 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b5 Reasons aren't living together, Incarceration? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 53 1 1 Yes 565 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b6 Reasons aren't living together, Housing reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 16 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 74 1 1 Yes 547 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b7 Reasons aren't living together, Relationship reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 16 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 136 1 1 Yes 485 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b8 Reasons aren't living together, Drug problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 16 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 7 1 1 Yes 614 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b9 Reasons aren't living together, Violence, abuse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3 1 1 Yes 615 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b10 Reasons aren't living together, Haven't talked about it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,169 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 19 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 37 1 1 Yes 581 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b9b11 Reasons aren't living together, Other specify? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: mflive2_fw1 range: [-9,103] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,168 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 16 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 40 1 1 Yes 579 2 2 No 2 101 101 F in oth. relationship/married 1 103 103 health problems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10 Do you and bio mom have plans to marry in the future? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,147 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 42 -3 -3 Missing 20 -2 -2 Don't know 1,444 1 1 Yes 154 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a1 Reasons no plan to marry, No need to marry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 37 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 40 1 1 Yes 138 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a2 Reasons no plan to marry, Timing problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 50 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 15 1 1 Yes 150 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a3 Reasons no plan to marry, Financial reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 37 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 16 1 1 Yes 162 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a4 Reasons no plan to marry, Distance? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 50 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 1 1 1 Yes 164 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a5 Reasons no plan to marry, Incarceration? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 50 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 1 1 1 Yes 164 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a6 Reasons no plan to marry, Housing reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 37 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 2 1 1 Yes 176 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a7 Reasons no plan to marry, Relationship reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 37 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 43 1 1 Yes 135 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a8 Reasons no plan to marry, Drug problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 37 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 178 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a9 Reasons no plan to marry, Violence, abuse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 50 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 165 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a10 Reasons no plan to marry, Haven't talked about it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 49 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 49 1 1 Yes 117 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10a11 Reasons no plan to marry, Other specify? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: married_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,589 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 36 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 16 1 1 Yes 163 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b1 Reasons aren't married now, No need to marry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,328 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 82 1 1 Yes 1,337 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b2 Reasons aren't married now, Timing problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 525 1 1 Yes 893 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b3 Reasons aren't married now, Financial Reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 31 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 488 1 1 Yes 952 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b4 Reasons aren't married now, Distance? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 10 1 1 Yes 1,408 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b5 Reasons aren't married now, Incarceration? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 41 1 1 Yes 1,377 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b6 Reasons aren't married now, Housing reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 32 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 17 1 1 Yes 1,422 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b7 Reasons aren't married now, Relationship reasons? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,327 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 32 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 288 1 1 Yes 1,153 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b8 Reasons aren't married now, Drug problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 32 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 9 1 1 Yes 1,430 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b9 Reasons aren't married now, Violence, abuse? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 3 1 1 Yes 1,415 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b10 Reasons aren't married now, Haven't talked about it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 23 -5 -5 Not asked 53 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 107 1 1 Yes 1,311 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b10b11 Reasons aren't married now, Other specify? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: married_fw1 range: [-9,102] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b11a In last month, you and bio mom visited with friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 2 -5 -5 Not asked 24 -3 -3 Missing 1,894 1 1 Yes 567 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b11b In last month, you and bio mom went out to movies, sporting event, etc? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 2 -5 -5 Not asked 25 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1,580 1 1 Yes 878 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b11c In last month, you and bio mom ate out in a restaurant? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 2 -5 -5 Not asked 25 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1,912 1 1 Yes 547 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b11d In last month, you and bio mom helped each other solve a problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 2 -5 -5 Not asked 28 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 2,224 1 1 Yes 230 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12a In last month, how often did you disagree about money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 26 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 306 1 1 Often 1,063 2 2 Sometimes 1,090 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12b In last month, how often did you disagree about spending time together? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 26 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 434 1 1 Often 894 2 2 Sometimes 1,131 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12c In last month, how often did you disagree about sex? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 33 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 250 1 1 Often 581 2 2 Sometimes 1,618 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12d In last month, how often did you disagree about the pregnancy? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 32 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 119 1 1 Often 296 2 2 Sometimes 2,036 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12e In last month, how often did you disagree about drinking/drug use? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 28 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 105 1 1 Often 302 2 2 Sometimes 2,050 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b12f In last month, how often did you disagree about being faithful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 1 -5 -5 Not asked 28 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 232 1 1 Often 466 2 2 Sometimes 1,755 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b13a How often is bio mom fair and willing to compromise? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 24 -3 -3 Missing 5 -2 -2 Don't know 1,348 1 1 Often 960 2 2 Sometimes 150 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b13b How often does bio mom hit/slap you when angry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 26 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 51 1 1 Often 306 2 2 Sometimes 2,103 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b13c How often does bio mom express affection/love for you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 30 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 2,037 1 1 Often 387 2 2 Sometimes 31 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b13d How often does bio mom insult/criticize you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 29 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 128 1 1 Often 749 2 2 Sometimes 1,578 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b13e How often does bio mom encourage or help you do things? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,343 -6 -6 Skip 28 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 1,923 1 1 Often 462 2 2 Sometimes 71 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b14 What do you think the chances you will marry bio mom in the future? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Chance_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 4 4 Good 5 5 Certain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b14a What do you think the chances are that you will ever marry someone? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Chance_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 11 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 3 3 50-50 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15a How life diff if married bio mom, financial security? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 6 -3 -3 Missing 32 -2 -2 Don't know 476 1 1 Much better 707 2 2 Some better 1,272 3 3 Same 167 4 4 Some worse 94 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15b How life diff if married bio mom, happiness? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 1 1 Much better 3 3 Same ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15c How life diff if married bio mom, freedom to do? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 3 3 Same 3 3 Same ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15d How life diff if married bio mom, control over money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 6 -3 -3 Missing 34 -2 -2 Don't know 253 1 1 Much better 292 2 2 Some better 1,977 3 3 Same 128 4 4 Some worse 64 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15e How life diff if married bio mom, your sex life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 2 2 Some better 3 3 Same ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b15f How life diff if married bio mom, relations w/parents? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 2 2 Some better 3 3 Same ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b16 During bio mom preg, did you give her money or buy things for the baby/ies? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 6 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 2,522 1 1 Yes 225 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b17 Did you help in other ways, like providing transportation/doing chores? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 2 -1 -1 Refuse 2,475 1 1 Yes 273 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b18 Do you want to be involved in raising your child(ren) in upcoming years? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 6 -3 -3 Missing 14 -2 -2 Don't know 2,727 1 1 Yes 7 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b19 Does bio mom want you to be involved in raising the child(ren)? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1 -8 -8 Out of range 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 57 -2 -2 Don't know 2,670 1 1 Yes 22 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b20 Int chk: Are bio mom and bio dad living together? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,076 -6 -6 Skip 26 -5 -5 Not asked 42 -3 -3 Missing 1,668 1 1 Yes 1,018 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b21 Told bio mom you will provide financial supp. for baby during the coming year? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,744 -6 -6 Skip 26 -5 -5 Not asked 14 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 928 1 1 Yes 117 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b21a About how much money per month did you say you would provide? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: nolab_fw1, but 43 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,5000] units: 1 unique values: 49 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b22a In last month, you and bio mom visited with friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 924 1 1 Yes 142 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b22b In last month, you and bio mom went out to a movie, sporting event, etc? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 11 -3 -3 Missing 737 1 1 Yes 328 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b22c In last month, you and bio mom ate out in a restaurant? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 951 1 1 Yes 115 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b22d In last month, you and bio mom helped watch other solve a problem? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 12 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1,016 1 1 Yes 47 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23a In last month, how often did you disagree about money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 94 1 1 Often 517 2 2 Sometimes 454 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23b In last month, how often did you disagree about spending time together? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 99 1 1 Often 379 2 2 Sometimes 587 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23c In last month, how often did you disagree about sex? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 12 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 68 1 1 Often 229 2 2 Sometimes 765 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23d In last month, how often did you disagree about the pregnancy? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 20 1 1 Often 105 2 2 Sometimes 939 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23e In last month, how often did you disagree about drinking/drug use? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 14 1 1 Often 80 2 2 Sometimes 970 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b23f In last month, how often did you disagree about being faithful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 43 1 1 Often 43 2 2 Sometimes 979 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24a How life different if NOT married to bio mom - Financial security? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 11 -3 -3 Missing 13 -2 -2 Don't know 91 1 1 Much better 167 2 2 Some better 431 3 3 Same 234 4 4 Some worse 129 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24b How life diff if NOT married bio mom, Overall happiness? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 13 -3 -3 Missing 23 -2 -2 Don't know 32 1 1 Much better 26 2 2 Some better 227 3 3 Same 376 4 4 Some worse 379 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24c How life diff if NOT married bio mom, Freedom to do? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 10 -3 -3 Missing 10 -2 -2 Don't know 96 1 1 Much better 281 2 2 Some better 547 3 3 Same 88 4 4 Some worse 44 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24d How life diff if NOT married bio mom, Control over money? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 -6 -6 Skip 14 -3 -3 Missing 6 -2 -2 Don't know 69 1 1 Much better 143 2 2 Some better 625 3 3 Same 131 4 4 Some worse 88 5 5 Much worse ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24e How life diff if NOT married bio mom, Your sex life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 2 2 Some better ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b24f How life diff if NOT married bio mom, Relations w/parents? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Worse_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 2 2 Some better ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b25a How often is bio mom fair and willing to compromise? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,378 -6 -6 Skip 524 -5 -5 Not asked 7 -3 -3 Missing 577 1 1 Often 321 2 2 Sometimes 23 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b25b How often does bio mom hit/slap you when angry? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,378 -6 -6 Skip 524 -5 -5 Not asked 7 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 5 1 1 Often 58 2 2 Sometimes 857 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b25c How often does bio mom express affection/love for you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,378 -6 -6 Skip 524 -5 -5 Not asked 7 -3 -3 Missing 791 1 1 Often 123 2 2 Sometimes 7 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b25d How often does bio mom insult/criticize you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,378 -6 -6 Skip 524 -5 -5 Not asked 7 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 27 1 1 Often 332 2 2 Sometimes 561 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b25e How often does bio mom encourage or help you do things? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: often_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,378 -6 -6 Skip 524 -5 -5 Not asked 6 -3 -3 Missing 751 1 1 Often 151 2 2 Sometimes 20 3 3 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b26 Found out she was preg., your rel. with bio mom got better, worse, same? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: relation_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 31 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,972 1 1 Better 340 2 2 Worse 1,477 3 3 Same ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b27 Found out bio mom preg., did you think about her having an abortion? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 10 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 667 1 1 Yes 3,146 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1b28 Did you suggest that she have an abortion? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 38 -5 -5 Not asked 13 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 387 1 1 Yes 3,388 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1marm Constructed - Is father married to child's mother? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,754 0 0 No 1,076 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1cohm Constructed - Is father cohabiting with baby's mother - not including marrieds? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 3 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,153 0 0 No 1,677 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c1a Being father is one of the most fulfilling experiences for a man, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 24 -2 -2 Don't know 22 1 1 StrDis 38 2 2 Disagr 909 3 3 Agree 2,830 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c1b I want people to know I have a new child, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 17 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 29 1 1 StrDis 56 2 2 Disagr 955 3 3 Agree 2,764 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c1c Not being a part of child's life would be one of the worst things, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 13 -2 -2 Don't know 61 1 1 StrDis 93 2 2 Disagr 627 3 3 Agree 3,029 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2a How imp is it to provide regular financial support to children? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3,520 1 1 V Important 252 2 2 S Important 47 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2b How imp is it to teach child about life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 10 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3,740 1 1 V Important 73 2 2 S Important 4 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2c How imp is it to provide direct care to child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 9 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 3,497 1 1 V Important 305 2 2 S Important 17 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2d How imp is it to show love and affection to the child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 9 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 3,786 1 1 V Important 31 2 2 S Important 3 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2e How imp is it to provide protection for child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 3,776 1 1 V Important 39 2 2 S Important 3 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c2f How imp is it to serve as authority figure and discipline the child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 12 -3 -3 Missing 3 -2 -2 Don't know 3,455 1 1 V Important 326 2 2 S Important 34 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c3 Which of the above (Q. f1c2a-f1c2f) is the most important? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Needs_fw1 range: [-9,6] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 2 2 Life 4 4 Love 4 4 Love ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c3a Which of the above (Q. f1c2a-f1c2f) is the least important? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Needs_fw1 range: [-9,6] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 1 1 RegFin 3 3 Chcare 6 6 Autfig ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c4a If bio dad provides financial supp - right to see the child regularly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 17 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,670 1 1 Yes 130 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c4b If bio dad provides financial supp - right to make decisions about child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 18 -3 -3 Missing 16 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,384 1 1 Yes 410 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c5a If bio dad can afford financial supp but doesn't - right to see child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 12 -3 -3 Missing 22 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 1,390 1 1 Yes 2,405 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c5b If bio dad can afford financial supp but doesn't - right to make decisions? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 14 -3 -3 Missing 28 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 939 1 1 Yes 2,847 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c6a If bio dad cannot afford financial supp - right to see the child regularly? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 18 -3 -3 Missing 22 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,396 1 1 Yes 392 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c6b If bio dad cannot afford financial supp - right to make decisions about child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 23 -3 -3 Missing 39 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 2,764 1 1 Yes 1,002 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c7 If bio mom has new partner - required to provide financial supp. to child? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 14 -3 -3 Missing 18 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3,527 1 1 Yes 270 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1c8 If bio dad has baby w partner - should provide fin. supp. to other children? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 10 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 3,695 1 1 Yes 113 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1a The main advantage of marriage is financial security? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 13 -3 -3 Missing 46 -2 -2 Don't know 431 1 1 StrDis 1,724 2 2 Disagr 1,210 3 3 Agree 406 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1b There are more advantages to being single than to being married? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 14 -3 -3 Missing 92 -2 -2 Don't know 427 1 1 StrDis 2,071 2 2 Disagr 979 3 3 Agree 247 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1c Single mother can bring up a child as well as married couple? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 15 -3 -3 Missing 45 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 540 1 1 StrDis 1,403 2 2 Disagr 1,369 3 3 Agree 457 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1d It is better for a couple to get married than just live together? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 17 -3 -3 Missing 87 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 126 1 1 StrDis 1,115 2 2 Disagr 1,644 3 3 Agree 840 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1e It is better for children if their parents are married? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 17 -3 -3 Missing 65 -2 -2 Don't know 68 1 1 StrDis 613 2 2 Disagr 1,716 3 3 Agree 1,351 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d1f Living together is just the same as being married? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 15 -3 -3 Missing 44 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 491 1 1 StrDis 1,791 2 2 Disagr 1,235 3 3 Agree 253 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2a How imp for successful marriage, have same friends? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 14 -2 -2 Don't know 594 1 1 V Important 1,755 2 2 S Important 1,456 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2b How imp for successful marriage, husband has steady job? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 12 -3 -3 Missing 6 -2 -2 Don't know 3,390 1 1 V Important 371 2 2 S Important 51 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2c How imp for successful marriage, wife has steady job? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 15 -2 -2 Don't know 1,680 1 1 V Important 1,628 2 2 S Important 496 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2d How imp for successful marriage, both same race/ethnic? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 16 -3 -3 Missing 26 -2 -2 Don't know 431 1 1 V Important 688 2 2 S Important 2,669 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2e How imp for successful marriage, good sex? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 28 -3 -3 Missing 12 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 1,597 1 1 V Important 1,499 2 2 S Important 693 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2f How imp for successful marriage, share same religion? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 14 -2 -2 Don't know 1,112 1 1 V Important 1,283 2 2 S Important 1,410 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d2g How imp for successful marriage, both emotionally mature? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Import_fw1 range: [-9,3] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 12 -3 -3 Missing 9 -2 -2 Don't know 3,283 1 1 V Important 451 2 2 S Important 75 3 3 N Important ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3a The imp decisions in the family should be done by the man, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 22 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 403 1 1 StrDis 2,159 2 2 Disagr 926 3 3 Agree 312 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3b Should parents should stay together for the children even if don't get along? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 54 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 580 1 1 StrDis 2,252 2 2 Disagr 730 3 3 Agree 205 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3c Is it better if husband earns the main living and woman cares for family? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 33 -2 -2 Don't know 330 1 1 StrDis 1,910 2 2 Disagr 1,179 3 3 Agree 371 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3d In dating, a woman is largely out to take advantage of a man? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 10 -3 -3 Missing 70 -2 -2 Don't know 614 1 1 StrDis 2,610 2 2 Disagr 429 3 3 Agree 97 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3e Women cannot be trusted to be faithful, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 55 -2 -2 Don't know 947 1 1 StrDis 2,389 2 2 Disagr 356 3 3 Agree 75 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3f More important for man to spend time w/ his family than to work a lot, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 78 -2 -2 Don't know 89 1 1 StrDis 889 2 2 Disagr 1,867 3 3 Agree 900 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1d3g Fathers play more important role in raising boys than in raising girls, Ag/Dis? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: agree_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 47 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 390 1 1 StrDis 1,881 2 2 Disagr 1,046 3 3 Agree 458 4 4 StrAgr ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b1 People who currently live in your HH - 1st relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 13 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 2 2 R's father 3 3 R's partner 3 3 R's partner ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b2 People who currently live in your HH - 2nd relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 12 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 3 3 R's partner 5 5 Child ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b3 People who currently live in your HH - 3rd relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 12 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 4 4 Friend ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b4 People who currently live in your HH - 4th relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 11 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b5 People who currently live in your HH - 5th relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b6 People who currently live in your HH - 6th relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b7 People who currently live in your HH - 7th relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1b8 People who currently live in your HH - 8th relationship? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: hhrelat_fw1 range: [-9,6] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,749 -6 -6 Skip 2 -3 -3 Missing 32 0 0 None 1 1 1 R's mother 3 4 4 Friend 20 5 5 Child 23 6 6 OtChld ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c1 People who currently live in your HH - 1st gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 209 -6 -6 Skip 94 -3 -3 Missing 7 -1 -1 Refuse 663 1 1 Male 2,857 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c2 People who currently live in your HH - 2nd gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1,279 -6 -6 Skip 20 -3 -3 Missing 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,046 1 1 Male 1,483 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c3 People who currently live in your HH - 3rd gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,294 -6 -6 Skip 11 -3 -3 Missing 703 1 1 Male 822 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c4 People who currently live in your HH - 4th gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,988 -6 -6 Skip 7 -3 -3 Missing 404 1 1 Male 431 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c5 People who currently live in your HH - 5th gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,415 -6 -6 Skip 5 -3 -3 Missing 199 1 1 Male 211 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c6 People who currently live in your HH - 6th gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,632 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 98 1 1 Male 96 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c7 People who currently live in your HH - 7th gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,723 -6 -6 Skip 1 -3 -3 Missing 54 1 1 Male 52 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1c8 People who currently live in your HH - 8th gender? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Gender_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 4 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,781 -6 -6 Skip 25 1 1 Male 24 2 2 Female ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d1 People who currently live in your HH - 1st age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 90 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,98] units: 1 unique values: 95 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 22 29 40 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d2 People who currently live in your HH - 2nd age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 76 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,80] units: 1 unique values: 81 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip 4 20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d3 People who currently live in your HH - 3rd age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 54 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,70] units: 1 unique values: 59 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d4 People who currently live in your HH - 4th age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 41 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,50] units: 1 unique values: 45 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d5 People who currently live in your HH - 5th age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 34 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,38] units: 1 unique values: 38 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d6 People who currently live in your HH - 6th age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 25 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,25] units: 1 unique values: 29 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d7 People who currently live in your HH - 7th age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 22 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,25] units: 1 unique values: 26 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1d8 People who currently live in your HH - 8th age? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 13 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,22] units: 1 unique values: 17 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e1 People who currently live in your HH - 1st employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 295 -6 -6 Skip 100 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 2,456 1 1 Yes 972 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e2 People who currently live in your HH - 2nd employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,329 -6 -6 Skip 50 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 850 1 1 Yes 597 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e3 People who currently live in your HH - 3rd employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,015 -6 -6 Skip 31 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 396 1 1 Yes 387 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e4 People who currently live in your HH - 4th employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,444 -6 -6 Skip 20 -3 -3 Missing 148 1 1 Yes 218 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e5 People who currently live in your HH - 5th employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,688 -6 -6 Skip 9 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 45 1 1 Yes 87 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e6 People who currently live in your HH - 6th employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,772 -6 -6 Skip 4 -3 -3 Missing 18 1 1 Yes 36 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e7 People who currently live in your HH - 7th employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,794 -6 -6 Skip 5 -3 -3 Missing 7 1 1 Yes 24 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e1e8 People who currently live in your HH - 8th employment? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,816 -6 -6 Skip 2 -3 -3 Missing 3 1 1 Yes 9 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e2 Were you living with both of your biological parents at age 15? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 19 -3 -3 Missing 4 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,782 1 1 Yes 2,023 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e3 How involved in raising you was your biological father? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: involve_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 18 -3 -3 Missing 2 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,570 1 1 V Inv 1,084 2 2 S Inv 895 3 3 N inv 259 4 4 Nevknw ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e4 Was there another man who was like a father to you when growing up? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 15 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,509 1 1 Yes 2,303 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e4a Who was the person who was like a father to you? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: Men_fw1 range: [-9,103] units: 1 unique values: 18 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -6 -6 Skip -6 -6 Skip 1 1 Stpdad ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e5 When you think about the kind of father you want to be, whom do you think of? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: Father_fw1 range: [-9,106] units: 1 unique values: 15 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 1 1 Real D 2 2 ThghtD 5 5 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6a During bio mom's preg did you receive any financial supp.? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 9 -3 -3 Missing 1 -1 -1 Refuse 895 1 1 Yes 2,925 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6b1 Did you receive financial supp. from your mother? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,935 -6 -6 Skip 15 -3 -3 Missing 532 1 1 Yes 348 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6b2 Did you receive financial supp. from your father? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,935 -6 -6 Skip 15 -3 -3 Missing 274 1 1 Yes 606 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6b3 Did you receive financial supp. from other relative? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,935 -6 -6 Skip 15 -3 -3 Missing 269 1 1 Yes 611 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6b4 Did you receive financial supp. from bio momÕs family? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,935 -6 -6 Skip 15 -3 -3 Missing 284 1 1 Yes 596 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6b5 Did you receive financial supp. from other? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: finasst_fw1 range: [-9,104] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,935 -6 -6 Skip 21 -3 -3 Missing 90 1 1 Yes 740 2 2 No 10 101 101 Medicaid 9 102 102 WIC 7 103 103 welfare 18 104 104 friends ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6c During bio mom's preg did you receive a place to live? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 11 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 1 -1 -1 Refuse 846 1 1 Yes 2,971 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6d1 Did you receive a place to live from your mother? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,984 -6 -6 Skip 37 -3 -3 Missing 414 1 1 Yes 395 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6d2 Did you receive a place to live from your father? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,984 -6 -6 Skip 37 -3 -3 Missing 184 1 1 Yes 625 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6d3 Did you receive a place to live from other relatives? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,984 -6 -6 Skip 37 -3 -3 Missing 186 1 1 Yes 623 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6d4 Did you receive a place to live from bio mom's family? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,984 -6 -6 Skip 37 -3 -3 Missing 175 1 1 Yes 634 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e6d5 Did you receive a place to live from other? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: plclive_fw1 range: [-9,101] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2,984 -6 -6 Skip 39 -3 -3 Missing 33 1 1 Yes 754 2 2 No 20 101 101 friend ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e7a During next year, would someone in your fam. loan you $200? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 7 -3 -3 Missing 13 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,359 1 1 Yes 449 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1e7b During next year, would someone in your fam. provide you a place to live? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 14 -3 -3 Missing 11 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,384 1 1 Yes 419 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1adult Constructed - # of adults 18 or older in the HH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 10 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,9] units: 1 unique values: 13 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 2 2 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1kids Constructed - # of children under 18 in HH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 8 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,7] units: 1 unique values: 10 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 0 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1gdad Constructed - Baby's grandfather in the HH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 4 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 94 -3 -3 Missing 3,376 0 0 No 360 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cf1gmom Constructed - Baby's grandmother in the HH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 4 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 94 -3 -3 Missing 2,954 0 0 No 782 1 1 Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f1a Number of years lived in your neighborhood? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 40 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,60] units: 1 unique values: 45 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 0 2 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f1b Number of months lived in your neighborhood? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 16 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,26] units: 1 unique values: 21 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 0 0 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f1c Lived in your neighborhood, all your life? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: whlife2_fw1 range: [-9,1] units: 1 unique values: 5 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3,404 -6 -6 Skip 117 -3 -3 Missing 2 -1 -1 Refuse 307 1 1 allmylife ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f2 Is the home/apt of your current residency owned or rented? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: House_fw1 range: [-9,101] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 23 -3 -3 Missing 5 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 1,434 1 1 Owned 2,359 2 2 Rented 6 101 101 Other ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f3 Do you live in a public housing projects? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 16 -3 -3 Missing 7 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 273 1 1 Yes 3,532 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f4 Is the fed/state/local government helping you to pay your rent? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 16 -3 -3 Missing 22 -2 -2 Don't know 4 -1 -1 Refuse 225 1 1 Yes 3,563 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f5 How safe are streets by your home at night? (v.safe,safe,unsafe,v.unsafe) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Safe_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 13 -3 -3 Missing 5 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,066 1 1 V Safe 2,026 2 2 Safe 571 3 3 Unsafe 147 4 4 V unsf ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f6 About how often do you attend religious services? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: TimRel_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 4 -3 -3 Missing 6 -1 -1 Refuse 670 1 1 1X/wk+ 522 2 2 Svl/mn 871 3 3 Svl/yr 1,090 4 4 Hardly 667 5 5 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f7 What is your religious preference? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (int) label: Religon_fw1 range: [-9,104] units: 1 unique values: 22 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave 3 3 Cath 6 6 Christ 7 7 Baptst ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f8 Can babyÕs mother receive welfare if she is married and living with her husband? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 14 -3 -3 Missing 1,593 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,118 1 1 Yes 1,103 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f9 Can bio mom receive welfare if she is not married and lives with bio dad? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 17 -3 -3 Missing 1,363 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,797 1 1 Yes 651 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f10a How many years in total can a mother receive welfare? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 23 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,30] units: 1 unique values: 27 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -2 -2 Don't know -2 -2 Don't know 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f10b How many months in total can a mother receive welfare? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 16 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,60] units: 1 unique values: 20 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -2 -2 Don't know -2 -2 Don't know 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f11a How many years can a mother receive welfare before she is required to work? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 17 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,21] units: 1 unique values: 21 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -2 -2 Don't know -2 -2 Don't know 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f11b How many months can a mother receive welfare before she is required to work? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: nolab_fw1, but 14 nonmissing values are not labeled range: [-9,60] units: 1 unique values: 18 missing .: 0/4,898 examples: -9 -9 Not in wave -2 -2 Don't know -2 -2 Don't know 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f12 Can a judge make babyÕs father pay child support even if he wanted an abortion? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 12 -3 -3 Missing 759 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 2,792 1 1 Yes 264 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f13 Can a blood test prove whether a man is really the child's father? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 4 -3 -3 Missing 145 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 3,487 1 1 Yes 192 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f14 Did anyone at the hospital talk to you about establishing paternity? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 7 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 1 -6 -6 Skip 23 -3 -3 Missing 8 -2 -2 Don't know 2 -1 -1 Refuse 479 1 1 Yes 3,317 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1f15 If bio dad doesn't want to marry likely, he'll be required to pay child supp.? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Chance_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 9 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 10 -3 -3 Missing 29 -2 -2 Don't know 3 -1 -1 Refuse 49 1 1 No chance 145 2 2 A little 671 3 3 50-50 1,011 4 4 Good 1,912 5 5 Certain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1g1 How is your health? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Good_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 5 -3 -3 Missing 2 -1 -1 Refuse 1,314 1 1 Great 1,433 2 2 V Good 785 3 3 Good 267 4 4 Fair 24 5 5 Poor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1g2 In the past 3 months, how often did you drink alcohol? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Freq_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 3 -3 -3 Missing 5 -1 -1 Refuse 143 1 1 E day 464 2 2 Svl/wk 1,020 3 3 Svl/mn 1,031 4 4 <1X/mn 1,164 5 5 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1g2a In the past 3 months, did you ever drink more than 3 drinks a day ? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: YESNO_fw1 range: [-9,2] units: 1 unique values: 6 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 8 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 4 -1 -1 Refuse 1,477 1 1 Yes 2,340 2 2 No ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1g3 In the past 3 months, how often did you use drugs? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Freq_fw1 range: [-9,5] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 2 -3 -3 Missing 9 -1 -1 Refuse 84 1 1 E day 91 2 2 Svl/wk 122 3 3 Svl/mn 231 4 4 <1X/mn 3,291 5 5 Never ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- f1g4 In the past 3 months, how many cigarettes did you smoke a day? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type: numeric (byte) label: Cigs_fw1 range: [-9,4] units: 1 unique values: 8 missing .: 0/4,898 tabulation: Freq. Numeric Label 1,068 -9 -9 Not in wave 5 -3 -3 Missing 1 -2 -2 Don't know 4 -1 -1 Refuse 62 1 1 2+pk/d 364 2 2 1