Gard, Arianna, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Sara McLanahan, Colter Mitchell, Christopher Monk, and Luke Hyde. 2022. “Deadly Gun Violence, Neighborhood Collective Efficacy, and Adolescent Neurobehavioral Outcomes”. PNAS Nexus 1. doi:10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac061.
Jeanne Brooks-Gunn
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Last name
- Hardi, Felicia A., Leigh G. Goetschius, Scott Tillem, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Montana Boone, Nestor Lopez-Duran, Colter Mitchell, Luke Hyde, and Christopher Monk. 2023. “Early Childhood Household Instability, Adolescent Structural Neural Network Architecture, and Young Adulthood Depression: A 21-Year Longitudinal Study”. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. Referenced from Early childhood household instability, adolescent structural neural network architecture, and young adulthood depression: A 21-year longitudinal study.
- Gibson-Davis, Christina, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2006. “Couples’ Immigration Status and Ethnicity As Determinants of Breastfeeding”. American Journal of Public Health 96 (4): 641-46. Referenced from Couples’ Immigration Status and Ethnicity as Determinants of Breastfeeding.
- Kimbro, Rachel Tolbert, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Sara S. McLanahan. 2011. “Young Children in Urban Areas: Links Among Neighborhood Characteristics, Weight Status, Outdoor Play, and Television Watching”. Social Science & Medicine 72 (5): 668-76. Referenced from Young Children in Urban Areas: Links Among Neighborhood Characteristics, Weight Status, Outdoor Play, and Television Watching.
- MacKenzie, Michael, Eric Nicklas, Jane Waldfogel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2013. “Spanking and Child Development Across the First Decade of Life”. Pediatrics 132 (5): e1118-e1125. Referenced from Spanking and Child Development Across the First Decade of Life.
- James, Sarah, Sara S. McLanahan, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Colter Mitchell, Lisa Schneper, Brandon Wagner, and Daniel Notterman. 2017. “Sleep Duration and Telomere Length in Children”. The Journal of Pediatrics 187: 247-52. Referenced from Sleep Duration and Telomere Length in Children.
- Mullola, Sari, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Marko Elovainio, Christian Hakulinen, Lisa Schneper, and Daniel Notterman. 2021. “Early Childhood Psychosocial Family Risks and Cumulative Dopaminergic Sensitizing Score: Links to Behavior Problems in U.S. 9-Year-Olds”. Journal of Affective Disorders 280 (Part A): 432-41. Referenced from Early childhood psychosocial family risks and cumulative dopaminergic sensitizing score: Links to behavior problems in U.S. 9-year-olds.
- Cabrera, Natasha, Kristin Moore, Jacinta Bronte-Tinkew, Tamara Halle, Jerry West, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Nancy Reichman, et al. 2004. “The DADS Initiative: Measuring Father Involvement in Large Scale Surveys”. In Conceptualizing and Measuring Father Involvement, edited by Randal D. Day and Michael E. Lamb, 417-52. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Referenced from The DADS Initiative: Measuring Father Involvement in Large Scale Surveys.
- Craigie, Terry-Ann, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2010. “Family Structure, Family Stability and Outcomes of Five-Year-Old Children”. Families, Relationships and Societies 1 (1): 43-61. Referenced from Family Structure, Family Stability and Outcomes of Five-Year-Old Children.
- Zhai, Fuhua, Jane Waldfogel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2013. “Head Start, Pre-Kindergarten, and Academic School Readiness: A Comparison Among Regions in the U.S.”. Journal of Social Service Research 39 (3): 345-64. Referenced from Head Start, Pre-Kindergarten, and Academic School Readiness: A Comparison Among Regions in the U.S.
- Mitchell, Colter, Sara S. McLanahan, Lisa Schneper, Irwin Garfinkel, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Daniel Notterman. 2017. “Father Loss and Child Telomere Length”. Pediatrics 140 (2): e20163245. Referenced from Father Loss and Child Telomere Length.
- Hein, Tyler C., Leigh G. Goetschius, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Sara S. McLanahan, Colter Mitchell, Nestor Lopez-Duran, Luke Hyde, and Christopher Monk. 2020. “Childhood Violence Exposure and Social Deprivation Are Linked to Adolescent Threat and Reward Neural Function”. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 15 (11): 1252-59. Referenced from Childhood violence exposure and social deprivation are linked to adolescent threat and reward neural function.
- Fuligni, Allison, Lisa McCabe, Sara S. McLanahan, and J. Roth. 2003. “Four New National Longitudinal Surveys on Children”. In Early Childhood Development in the 21st Century, edited by Jeanne Brooks-Gunn and Lisa Berlin, 326-59. New York: TC Press. Referenced from Four New National Longitudinal Surveys on Children.
- Zhai, Fuhua, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2011. “Head Start and Urban Children’s School Readiness: A Birth Cohort Study in 18 Cities”. Developmental Psychology 47 (1): 134-52. Referenced from Head Start and Urban Children’s School Readiness: A Birth Cohort Study in 18 Cities.
- MacKenzie, Michael, Eric Nicklas, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2015. “Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behavior Across the First Decade of Life: Evidence for Transactional Processes”. Journal of Youth and Adolescence 44 (3): 658-69. Referenced from Spanking and Children’s Externalizing Behavior Across the First Decade of Life: Evidence for Transactional Processes.
- Donnelly, Louis, Irwin Garfinkel, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Brandon Wagner, Sarah James, and Sara S. McLanahan. 2017. “Geography of Intergenerational Mobility and Child Development”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (35): 9320-25. Referenced from Geography of intergenerational mobility and child development.
- Doom, Jenalee R, Melissa K. Peckins, Tyler C. Hein, Hailey L. Dotterer, Colter Mitchell, Nestor Lopez-Duran, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, et al. 2022. “Differential Associations of Parental Harshness and Parental Disengagement With Overall Cortisol Output at 15 Years: Implications for Adolescent Mental Health”. Dev Psychopathol 34 (1): 129-46. Referenced from Differential associations of parental harshness and parental disengagement with overall cortisol output at 15 years: Implications for adolescent mental health.
- Cabrera, Natasha, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Kristin Moore, Jerry West, Kimberly Boller, and Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda. 2002. “Bridging Research and Policy: Including Fathers of Young Children in National Studies”. In Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 489-523. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Referenced from Bridging Research and Policy: Including Fathers of Young Children in National Studies.
- Ryan, Rebecca, Anna Johnson, Elizabeth Rigby, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2011. “The Impact of Child Care Subsidy Use on Child Care Quality”. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 26 (3): 320-31. Referenced from The Impact of Child Care Subsidy Use on Child Care Quality.
- Mitchell, Colter, John Hobcraft, Sara S. McLanahan, Susan Rutherford Siegel, Arthur Berg, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Irwin Garfinkel, and Daniel Notterman. 2014. “Social Disadvantage, Genetic Sensitivity, and Children’s Telomere Length”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (16): 5944-49. Referenced from Social Disadvantage, Genetic Sensitivity, and Children’s Telomere Length.
- Wagner, Brandon, Louis Donnelly, Sara S. McLanahan, Irwin Garfinkel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2017. “Neighborhood Air Pollution and Children’s Cognitive Development”. Referenced from Neighborhood Air Pollution and Children’s Cognitive Development.
- James, Sarah, Sarah (Gold) Pachman, Shiva Rouhani, Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2021. “Adolescent Exposure To Deadly Gun Violence Within 500 Meters Of Home Or School: Ethnoracial And Income Disparities”. Health Affairs 40 (6): 961-69. Referenced from Adolescent Exposure To Deadly Gun Violence Within 500 Meters Of Home Or School: Ethnoracial And Income Disparities.
- Meadows, Sarah, Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2008. “Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health Trajectories”. American Sociological Review 73 (2): 314-34. Referenced from Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health Trajectories.
- Mitchell, Colter, Daniel Notterman, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, John Hobcraft, Irwin Garfinkel, Kate Jaeger, Iulia Kotenko, and Sara S. McLanahan. 2011. “Role of Mother’s Genes and Environment in Postpartum Depression”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20): 8189-93. Referenced from Role of Mother’s Genes and Environment in Postpartum Depression.
- Martinson, Melissa, Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2015. “Variation in Child Body Mass Index Patterns by Race Ethnicity and Maternal Nativity Status in the United States and England”. Maternal and Child Health Journal 19 (2): 373-80. Referenced from Variation in Child Body Mass Index Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Maternal Nativity Status in the United States and England.
- James, Sarah, Louis Donnelly, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Sara S. McLanahan. 2018. “Links Between Childhood Exposure to Violent Contexts and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors”. Journal of Adolescent Health 63 (1): 94-101. Referenced from Links between Childhood Exposure to Violent Contexts and Risky Adolescent Health Behaviors.
- Gaydosh, Lauren, Colter Mitchell, Daniel Notterman, Lisa Schneper, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Brandon Wagner, Kalsea Koss, and Sara S. McLanahan. 2020. “Demographic and Developmental Patterns in Telomere Length across Adolescence”. Biodemography and Social Biology 66 (3-4): 208-19. Referenced from Demographic and developmental patterns in telomere length across adolescence.
- Gibson-Davis, Christina, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2006. “Breastfeeding and Verbal Ability of 3-Year Olds in a Multicity Sample”. Pediatrics 118 (5): e1444-e1451. Referenced from Breastfeeding and Verbal Ability of 3-Year Olds in a Multicity Sample.
- Hale, Lauren, Lawrence Berger, Monique LeBourgeois, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2011. “A Longitudinal Study of Preschoolers’ Language-Based Bedtime Routines, Sleep Duration, and Well-Being”. Journal of Family Psychology 25 (3): 423-33. Referenced from A Longitudinal Study of Preschoolers’ Language-Based Bedtime Routines, Sleep Duration, and Well-Being.
- Schneider, William, Michael MacKenzie, Jane Waldfogel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2015. “Parent and Child Reporting of Corporal Punishment: New Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study”. Child Indicators Research 8 (2): 347-58. Referenced from Parent and Child Reporting of Corporal Punishment: New Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study.
- Donnelly, Louis, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Sara S. McLanahan, and Irwin Garfinkel. 2017. “The Protective Effects of Housing Assistance Programs on Eviction”. Referenced from The Protective Effects of Housing Assistance Programs on Eviction.
- James, Sarah, Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2021. “Contributions of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to Child Development”. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 3: 187-206. Referenced from Contributions of the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to Child Development.
- Berger, Lawrence, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Christina Paxson, and Jane Waldfogel. 2008. “First-Year Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups”. Children and Youth Services Review 30 (4): 365-87. Referenced from First-Year Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: Differences Across Racial and Ethnic Groups.
- MacKenzie, Michael, Eric Nicklas, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2011. “Who Spanks Infants and Toddlers? Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study”. Children and Youth Services Review 33 (8): 1364-73. Referenced from Who Spanks Infants and Toddlers? Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study.
- MacKenzie, Michael, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2014. “Repeated Exposure to High-Frequency Spanking and Child Externalizing Behavior across the First Decade: A Moderating Role for Cumulative Risk”. Child Abuse & Neglect 38 (12): 1895-1901. Referenced from Repeated exposure to high-frequency spanking and child externalizing behavior across the first decade: A moderating role for cumulative risk.
- Waldfogel, Jane, Terry-Ann Craigie, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2010. “Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing”. The Future of Children 20 (2): 87-112. Referenced from Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing.
- Hardi, Felicia A., Leigh G. Goetschius, Melissa K. Peckins, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Sara S. McLanahan, Vonnie C. McLoyd, Nestor Lopez-Duran, Colter Mitchell, Luke Hyde, and Christopher Monk. 2021. “Differential Developmental Associations of Material Hardship Exposure and Adolescent Amygdala–Prefrontal Cortex White Matter Connectivity”. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34 (10): 1866-91. Referenced from Differential Developmental Associations of Material Hardship Exposure and Adolescent Amygdala–Prefrontal Cortex White Matter Connectivity.
- McLanahan, Sara S., Irwin Garfinkel, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Hongxin Zhao, Waldo Johnson, Jr., Lauren Rich, Mark Turner, Maureen Waller, and Melvin Wilson. 1998. “Unwed Fathers and Fragile Families”. Referenced from Unwed Fathers and Fragile Families.
- Gibson-Davis, Christina, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2007. “The Association of Couples’ Relationship Status and Quality With Breastfeeding Initiation”. Journal of Marriage and Family 69 (5): 1107-17. Referenced from The Association of Couples’ Relationship Status and Quality With Breastfeeding Initiation.
- MacKenzie, Michael, Eric Nicklas, Jane Waldfogel, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2012. “Corporal Punishment and Child Behavioural and Cognitive Outcomes through 5 Years of Age: Evidence from a Contemporary Urban Birth Cohort Study”. Infant and Child Development 21 (1): 3-33. Referenced from Corporal Punishment and Child Behavioural and Cognitive Outcomes through 5 Years of Age: Evidence from a Contemporary Urban Birth Cohort Study.
- Martin, Anne, Rachel Razza, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2015. “The Maternal Description of Child (MDoC): A New Audiotaped Measure of Maternal Affect”. Infant and Child Development 24 (3): 228-39. Referenced from The Maternal Description of Child (MDoC): A New Audiotaped Measure of Maternal Affect.
- Pilkauskas, Natasha, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, and Jane Waldfogel. 2018. “Maternal Employment Stability in Early Childhood: Links With Child Behavior and Cognitive Skills”. Developmental Psychology 54 (3): 410-27. Referenced from Maternal Employment Stability in Early Childhood: Links With Child Behavior and Cognitive Skills.
- Wilson, Melvin, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2001. “Health Status and Behaviors of Unwed Fathers”. Children and Youth Services Review 23 (4-5): 377-401. Referenced from Health Status and Behaviors of Unwed Fathers.
- Cooper, Carey, Sara S. McLanahan, Sarah Meadows, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2009. “Family Structure Transitions and Maternal Parenting Stress”. Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (3): 558-74. Referenced from Family Structure Transitions and Maternal Parenting Stress.
- Martinson, Melissa, Sara S. McLanahan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2012. “Race Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in Child Overweight in the United States and England”. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 643 (1): 219-38. Referenced from Race / Ethnic and Nativity Disparities in Child Overweight in the United States and England.
- Mitchell, Colter, Sara S. McLanahan, John Hobcraft, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Irwin Garfinkel, and Daniel Notterman. 2015. “Family Structure Instability, Genetic Sensitivity, and Child Well-Being”. American Journal of Sociology 120 (4): 1195-1225. Referenced from Family Structure Instability, Genetic Sensitivity, and Child Well-Being.
- Massey, Douglas, Brandon Wagner, Louis Donnelly, Sara S. McLanahan, Jeanne Brooks-Gunn, Irwin Garfinkel, Colter Mitchell, and Daniel Notterman. 2018. “Neighborhood Disadvantage and Telomere Length: Results from the Fragile Families Study”. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 4 (4): 28-42. Referenced from Neighborhood Disadvantage and Telomere Length: Results from the Fragile Families Study.
- Garfinkel, Irwin, Sara S. McLanahan, Marta Tienda, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2001. “Fragile Families and Welfare Reform: An Introduction”. Children and Youth Services Review 23 (4-5): 277-301. Referenced from Fragile Families and Welfare Reform: An Introduction.
- Rigby, Elizabeth, Rebecca Ryan, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2007. “Child Care Quality in Different State Policy Contexts”. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26 (4): 887-907. Referenced from Child Care Quality in Different State Policy Contexts.
- Martin, Anne, Rachel Razza, and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn. 2012. “Sustained Attention at Age 5 Predicts Attention-Related Problems at Age 9”. International Journal of Behavioral Development 36 (6): 413-19. Referenced from Sustained Attention at Age 5 Predicts Attention-Related Problems at Age 9.