The FF Summer Data Training Workshop is designed to familiarize participants with the data available in the Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study (FFCWS), a national study following a birth cohort of (mostly) unmarried parents and their children, providing information about the capabilities, circumstances, and relationships of unwed parents, the wellbeing of their children, and the role of public policy in family and child wellbeing. The workshop is targeted toward early-career scholars from social science disciplines. We particularly encourage applications from junior faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and advanced doctoral students using the FFCWS data in their doctoral dissertations. Underrepresented scholars are strongly encouraged to apply.
For more information, please see the Columbia Population Research Center website.
Upcoming Workshops
If you would like to be notified of future workshop opportunities, please write to [email protected] with the subject: Add to FF Workshop Notification List.
Past Workshops
Click here to learn more about our most recent Workshop. Past workshop participants are listed by year of attendance.
The Fragile Families Summer Data Workshops were made possible by Grant Number R25HD072818 (2012 Workshop) and R25HD074544 (2013-2023 Workshops) from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health & Human Development. Participants in the Workshops must include the funding information for both the Workshop and the FFCWS Core funding in any publications using the FFCWS data and list their publications in PubMed Central.