Public Data Documentation

Background Documentation

Weights Documentation

Documentation by Wave

Here you will find general documentation for the data. We highly recommend reading the User Guides for each wave of data you are using, and referring back to those when you have questions while working with the data. The User Guides include information about the data collection and file structure for each wave as well as documentation about specific scales and measures included. To link directly to documentation about specific scales, and see an overview of scales across waves, see the Scales Documentation Navigator.

 Baseline     Year 1     Year 3     Year 5   Year 9     Year 15     Year 22
 Wave 1Wave 2Wave 3Wave 4Wave 5Wave 6Wave 7
General Documentation       
Core and In-Home Questionnaires       
Mother Surveym1m2m3m4m5  
Father Surveyf1f2f3f4f5  
PCG Survey & Interviewer Observations  p3/o3p4/o4p5/o5p6/o6p7
PCG Self Administered    p5  
Child/Teen/Young Adult Survey    k5k6k7
In-Home Activity Workbook  h3h4h5h6* 
Child Care and Teacher Surveys       
Child Care Provider Survey  d3    
Child Care Center Observations  e3    
Family Care Provider Survey  r3    
Family Care Provider Observations  s3    
Post Observation Form  u3    
Teacher Survey   t4t5  
Sleep Study       
Sleep Actigraphy Data (ID-mean-level)     a6 
Sleep Actigraphy and Diary Survey     a6/kdsd 
Biomarker & Epigenetic Components       
Biomarker Data    xx 
Polygenic Scores (PGS)    x  
Study of Adolescent Neural Development (SAND) COVID-19 Survey       
SAND COVID-19 Survey User Guide      x
PCG SAND COVID-19 Survey      p7umc
YA SAND COVID-19 Survey      k7umc
mDiary Study of Adolescent Romantic Relationships       
mDiary Study User Guide     x 
mDiary Study Questionnaires     k6d 

Note: The links to each questionnaire also indicate the variable name prefix used in the data file for these variables. For example, Mother questions from Year 1 begin with "m2" and Teen questions from Year 15 begin with "k6".

*There is no Activity Workbook Instrument for Year 15, but there are variables with the h6 prefix.