@unpublished{172, keywords = {Work/employment and earnings, Family structure and stability}, author = {Catherine Kenney and Ryan Bogle}, title = {Money, Honey if You Want to Get Along With Me: Money Management and Union Dissolution in Marriage and Cohabitation}, abstract = {Most U.S. analyses of household resource allocation ignore what couples do with their money{\textemdash}whether it is combined in a "common pot" or kept separate. However, there is good reason to believe that a better understanding of couples{\textquoteright} money practices offers new insight into other family behaviors. This study uses Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study data (N = 1,448 couples) to analyze the association of couples{\textquoteright} money management with subsequent union dissolution. Results show a strong association between moving money out of joint accounts, and consistently keeping money separate, and couple breakup. This association holds for married, but not for cohabiting couples.}, year = {2010}, url = {https://ffcws.princeton.edu/sites/g/files/toruqf4356/files/documents/wp07-03-ff.pdf}, }