
The Future of Families and Child Wellbeing Study
Center for Research on Child and Family Wellbeing
Wallace Hall
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

Due to the collaborative nature of the FFCWS, we invite data users to submit any feedback or issues found in the seventh wave of data using the FFCWS Year 22 Data Feedback Form.

For news and highlights, follow us on Twitter (@FFCWS) or join our ListServe to receive newsletters (link is external).

To contact us, email [email protected] or fill out the form below.

Want to see if we have already answered your question? Check out our F.A.Q. for public data or contract data.
Request type
Please select any of the following request types which apply to your needs.
Please describe your question.
Data user info
Are you currently a data user?
Have you downloaded the FFCWS data?